Thursday, April 29, 2010

Workers find unusual items in Disneyland river

From the Orange County Register, April 29th, 2010, Posted by Sarah Tully

Disneyland last drained its Rivers of America seven years ago, so workers found a lot of accumulated stuff when it drained the green-dyed waterway in January.

But the most unusual item by far was a computer tower, said Dan Chambers, a project manager at Disneyland. Workers are unsure how the plastic box for plugs and discs got in the water path around Tom Sawyer Island.

Here are some of the other items found in the rivers:

Half of a canoe from Davy Crockett’s Explorer Canoe ride.
Plastic swords.
Mardi Gras beads. The items were part of Tiana’s Showboat Jubilee, a show on the Mark Twain Riverboat on the rivers in the fall.
Hundreds of cellular phones and walkie talkies.
Hundreds of baby pacifiers.
Mickey Hats.

Chambers said there was a rumor that a bowling ball was found, but that was false.

Workers also discovered a bunch of fish, including koi, which were relocated to the Bear Creek area. Some of those fish made their way to the moat around Sleeping Beauty Castle. Oysters and clamshells also accumulate there.

The eggs are carried on ducks’ feet, so fish and other creatures end up growing in the rivers, said Kim Irvine, art director for Walt Disney Imagineering in Anaheim.

When the water was last drained in 2003, crews found a toaster and full bottle of rum.

The Rivers of America is scheduled to be refilled Monday. Attractions are set to be open later in May.

Employees got a chance Wednesday to tour the empty river, which has been boarded up since it was emptied Jan. 4. Around Disney was also invited to take the tour. Check back in the coming days for details about what’s coming to the Disneyland river.

See the previous video about the Rivers of America up above.

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